In search of the secret of our success: an analysis and business novel
In German available
ISBN 978-3-7568-3663-5
Triple-S-Virtues for Success
Beyond Agile, New Work and Digitalization
Agile Management and New Work concepts can be seen as promising trends. Or are they just passing fads whose end is already in sight? What about Digitalization? It is the basis of our lives today - both professionally and privately. But what's next? A trend toward virtual work or a revival of face-to-face collaboration? Let's take a look beyond and make a fair assessment.
ISBN 978-3-7526-8944-0
The TUDAPOL Principle:
The Way to Think Unlimited, Develop Agile, Produce & Operate Lean
Only about 10-30 percent of the planned strategies are ultimately realized. However, the recipes for success often seem quite simple. If this is the case, the question inevitably arises as to why our success rate is often so low? Moreover, the average lifespan of an organization is shorter than a human life. What can organizations do to perform better and how can we ensure our survival and develop the ability to transform and adapt, especially in the age of digitalization and Industry 4.0?
However, top management spends less than three percent of their time shaping the long-term future. Even if this figure is questionable, it is an indicator that there is enormous potential to create our future much better. It is our challenge as managers or entrepreneuers/intrapreneuers to think without limits and to prepare and shape the future. Any straitjacket in thinking, especially in innovation, must be eliminated. It is time to familiarize you with the concept of the Strategic Control Loop and the TUDAPOL principle: unlimited thinking, agile development, lean production and operation. This principle should enable you to meet the management challenges in the age of globalization, increasing complexity and digital transformation.
ISBN 978-3-7519-1527-4
50 Ways Within Management to Prevent Success
In German available
ISBN 978-3-7412-9483-9
Think Unlimited, Develop Agile, Produce & Operate Lean - The TUDAPOL principle
Industrie 4.0 / Industry 4.0
Strategic Management: Strategy Development
Strategic Management:
From Theory to Implementation
In German available
ISBN 978-3-8482-2923-9